Choosing a Cross Platform Tool in 2024

How do you choose you Cross Platform Tool for your next big app


3 min read


After examining the comprehensive comparison between cross-platform and native development, along with exploring the shared principles and complexities inherent in cross-platform development – encompassing coding, compiling, testing, and debugging processes – it is now time to address the elephant in the room.

With 6 distinguished options: Cordova, React Native, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), Xamarin (C#), Flutter (Dart) and Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP), it can be hard to choose among the cross-platform frameworks, especially if you are a CTO or project manager.

Factors to Consider

  1. Framework Evaluation Factors:

    • Cost Considerations: Assess the overall cost of adopting the framework, including licensing fees, development expenses, and potential savings over time.

    • Time-to-Market: Examine how quickly the framework allows you to bring your application to market, considering project timelines and deadlines.

    • Development Costs: Evaluate the overall development costs associated with the framework, including initial setup and ongoing maintenance.

  2. Developer's Perspective:

    • Learning Curve: Consider the learning curve associated with each framework. A smoother learning curve can contribute to faster development.

    • Native Platform Knowledge: Examine the level of knowledge of native platforms required. Some frameworks may demand more familiarity with iOS or Android development.

  3. Practical Considerations:

    • Development Tools: Assess the available development tools, including integrated development environments (IDEs) and debugging capabilities.

    • Code Maintenance: Explore the feasibility of maintaining a single code base across platforms. Consider factors such as code readability and ease of updates.

  4. Team Expertise:

    • Existing Team Skills: Leverage the expertise of your existing team. The skills they possess may heavily influence the choice of a framework.

    • Hands-On Testing: Experiment with each framework to determine how well it aligns with your team's needs and workflow.

  5. Real-world Scenario:

    • Current Project Status: Acknowledge that your project might not be starting from scratch. Consider the existing codebase and requirements when making your decision.
Remember, the effectiveness of a framework can vary based on the unique needs and circumstances of your team and project. Practical testing and hands-on experience are often the most reliable methods for finding the best fit.

The best way to choose

You can try and divide your choosing in phases or steps as below:

  1. Exploration/Research:

    • Quality Time Investment: Spend time exploring each cross-platform framework individually to understand their nuances and capabilities.

    • Support System and Documentation: Evaluate the available support system, documentation, and tools provided by each framework.

    • Template and Example Availability: Check if frameworks offer templates or examples that can serve as a starting point for your app development.

  1. Research and Comparisons:

    • Framework Websites: Begin your exploration by visiting the official websites of each framework to gather initial insights.

    • Web Search and Opinions: Conduct a web search to find opinions and reviews on each tool, gaining diverse perspectives.

    • Comparison Articles: Seek articles comparing the strengths and weaknesses of each framework in relation to one another.

  1. Consider Team's Expertise:

    • Assess Team's Talents: Prioritize evaluating your team's existing skills and expertise before delving into cross-platform frameworks.

    • Tailor Choice to Talents: Align your choice with your team's strengths; for instance, if your team leans towards web development, hybrid frameworks or PWAs may be more suitable.

  1. Subjectivity in Decision-Making:

    • Recognize Subjectivity: Acknowledge that framework selection often involves subjective elements, and tailor your choice to your team's strengths.

    • Personalized Approach: Understand that the best decision may differ for each team, and the key is to tailor the choice based on existing talents.

  2. Empowerment and Final Steps:

    • Information for Decision: Ensure you have gathered enough information to make an informed decision that suits your team and project needs.

    • Create Your App: Armed with insights, move forward to create your cross-platform app, leveraging the chosen framework that aligns with your team's expertise.

This article aims to empower you with the knowledge needed to embark on your cross-platform app development journey. Good luck in creating that outstanding app for your team!